Building a digital resume
I'm BAD at design. Pixel pushing, color scheming, look & feel, etc. are my weakest skills as a developer. (Un-)Fortunately, my lack of skill seems to be inate, not driven by disinterest. Even when pressed, I can't tell the difference between 10 and 15 pixels. As a kid visiting the dentist, I was bad at the "Spot the Differences" games in Highlights magazine. But I still enjoy reading design articles, reviewing minimalist blogs, etc.
I recently built my first digital resume. With such little design instinct, building a theme that was both personal and productive was a big challenge. Every component was rebuilt at least five times before I was satisfied. But at the end, I was finally (mostly) happy with it.
The theme I arrived at is minimalism. Every component contains as little decorations, text, color, etc. as possible. Designing for this many meant programming drives of "build, remove, repeat".
- My job history is displayed as business cards
- The Education section became a horizontal stole
- Past projects literally become portfolios
- Skills are listed on a bar chart reflecting my ability
By replacing all the typical content from the resume with interactivity and styling, I stripped my two page resume into a 60 word website.
Let me know what you think!